Traveling Made Easier – Our Journey From Hawaii To Catalina Island

So traveling with kids can be very stressful. At the start of packing the suitcases with everything you and your child needs – going through security trying to get that stroller folded and technology out of the bags – exerting all of your kids energy before going in a trapped confined space – being stuck in that trapped airplane praying your child doesn’t have a meltdown – all the way until you land. But wait it’s not over. You still have to collect your luggage and find a ride to your destination.

At least for me my stress level doesn’t go back down to zero until I open that hotel room and put all of our luggage down. Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. There are MANY things I wish I had or knew of that could have eased a little of that anxiety. So I will tell all of you the things I have learned over the years that will hopefully help you on your next big trip.

When we travel it’s usually to a small island off the cost of California called Catalina. Also known as “The Island of Romance.” My husband is from there so we try to make it back there as often as possible to see all the family. And when I say ALL the family I’m talking over a hundred people. Yah, he comes from a HUGE family. Anyway, it is an extremely long travel day.

We start off with a 5 hour flight to California. We land depending on whatever is the most convenient or cheapest at the time. Then we take an Uber to the boat landing, where we then take about a two hour boat ride to the Island. So I have had to come up with lots of entertainment for the kids over the years. And yes I say me because I mean come on, if I left it up to my Husband then we would be in trouble. HaHa. I have created a list of items that we don’t travel without now.

Essentials For Traveling

  • Sanitary Wipes

This is the first item I grab out of our carry on when we get on the plane. Everything has germs from the seats, to the trays, to the widows your child loves to squish their face on and don’t get me started with that disgusting bathroom. Last thing you need is for your child to get sick at the start of your vacation.

  • Change of Clothes

You never know what’s going to happen. When we were rookie parents we made the big mistake of not bringing extra clothes for our child and lets just say we definitely learned the hard way.

  • Their Own Backpack

Giving your child a little bit of responsibility and independence with having them carry their own bag will keep them occupied. Keep the important things in your carry on but a couple little toys and stuffed animal will be just enough. My daughter has a backpack from Amazon that she loves. It also comes with a little stuffed animal that can be their friend along the way. Here is the link.

  • LCD Writing Tablet

No need for a mess with crayons dropping on the airplane floor. A click of a button and you can draw a new picture again. It’s great for tic tac toe and hang man as well with the older kids. Amazon

  • Magnetic Puzzles/Bluey Magnetic Play Set

I absolutely love these! My daughter enjoys puzzles and the fact that they are magnetic means they won’t slip around. Genious! Amazon

  • Kids Tablet and Earphones

So this item is a little more pricey but very worth it! You can download their favorite movies so it’s all ready to go on the airplane. Also you can download games for them to play. In the past I would always give my kids my phone to use that had downloaded movies on it and it left me with nothing. This way they can have their own movie going while you get to enjoy yours. We have a cute pink one from Amazon but they are also available in different colors.

  • Healthy Snacks

Last thing you need is your kid having a sugar meltdown so make sure you pack those healthy snacks. There is one exception I have as a reward for good behavior. Lollipops! They last a long time and it’s a great way to bribe them to stay on their best behavior. Make sure you hide a few extra in your bag though because from experience we have had them drop on the floor or fall on the seat.

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